Effective Season
This is my word for this week… month, year, I suppose until I find myself in a new season. More than “busy” or simply checking off to dos and putting out the fires. More than unfocused monotony of running a business and growing creatively, I need to be effective. I am moving the ball down the field in a manner that is calculated, but also in alignment with the organic truth that I am. I believe that in all areas of my life my steps are ordered. It is being a-tuned to the path that is for me, that these steps are effective in the world. It may sound silly but at the root of my identity I serve. You can call it my love language, but serving comes easily to me. My career is much more than a job, it is the way in which I show those around me, whether a client or not, my love. But the truth is, in a world built by money, taking that feel good emotion and turning into tangible resources…well that takes effectiveness.
Old House Society, Bloomington IL
It is time to “put up, and go to work”
This is the last full week of the the first month of this new year. Without trying to sound cliche, time is seeming to move at warp speed and I am doing my best to hold on tight. By October of last year I knew the first quarter of 2022 would be a busy planting season. If I am to have the second and third quarter full of harvest that I plan for I have to be effective right here, right now.
I have to be effective in the cold, dark mornings. I have to be effective when nature itself is hibernating. Maintaining the pressure in a steady cadence is exhausting but equally rewarding. The labor pains aren’t sharp, they are heavy and slow moving. They have made a home with me for now. I am at peace and have surrendered to the birth of this new season.
Whatever comes forth, know that it is from the deepest and purest parts of me. Depths that not even light can escape.
From within my Black House.
This morning began late, not unusual I am sure you are starting to see. I stayed up way past my bedtime, and in turn didn’t get that cherished quiet moments before sending Seven off. With “schedule” thrown out the window I surrendered that today would be all over the place, but surely effective non the less. I had the pleasure of enjoying a coffee and some quality catching up with a friend and then headed off to grab some footage downtown. I made it home with a few final hours before school pick up. While I have a separate office that I adore I often find myself, especially when it is cold, working from home curled as close to the heater as possible, as noted in Investor Day.
Although it doesn’t always come wrapped in a pretty bow, I am so darn proud of my effectiveness today, and every day. Sometimes you have to pull back to see the whole picture, but even in the midst of chaos. While still being gentle on yourself and showing up for the people you love, I am effective.