Investor Day

Day Two!

And here we are, before the crack of dawn in the quiet stillness of the dark, sitting on the bathroom floor. I regularly find myself in this position in almost every single home I’ve lived in. As I’ve mostly only called places that get a healthy portion of winter weather home, the coziest place seemed to always be the bathroom… right in front (basically sitting on top) of a small but mighty space heater. <—- I even did this while living in Atlanta through the winter, I have no shame, if it gets below 50 to the bathroom I go!

The time is 5:48, and I’ve been up for about 3 hours. I woke up right before 3 and, because I tucked myself in last night with my daughter around 8, 7 hours later I had an unnecessary amount of energy and I seized the moment. That, and the work that I had put off doing last night needed doing before the “day” begun. I don’t share this to boast about rising before the sun and hustling as some badge. Quite the opposite. I have been setting an alarm for 5 am for well over a month and it felt that each morning I was more tired than was physically sustainable. Every morning I was disappointed and felt horrible that I couldn’t keep up with the other “boss ladies” in my circle.

Today, I went with the flow. That’s it. No alarm, no expectation, just decided to see what would happen.

To my utter amazement I awoke feeling rested, energized (a bit of coffee did help to be fair), and with plenty of time to ready myself for the day ahead (even if I needed to put a groggy toddler back to bed more than once).

I am slowly learning my cadence. The pace at which I move most effectively. My day to day requires wearing many hats, but one I know that is most true is that of a creator. Someone who is able to transform this world in a way that serves. To do that, I have to be in alignment with myself and that is undoubtably something I have to strive for daily. It is in the chaos that my power grows (not to get too Encanto on anyone but I’ll just say, after seeing the movie 20 billion times I see myself in almost every single character in one way or another).

Today is an “Investor Day”. I have a few (ok, quite more than a few but I’m trying to keep the anxiety at bay while I chug the second cup of coffee) upcoming ventures I am working toward. I will be perfectly frank, they are in the conception phase and still coming into focus. I have absolutely no clue when any announcement will be made, but what I will share is that the focus is coming in fast and have begun creating a harmony as if all of this could somehow have been all orchestrated by God himself!

Today, go with the flow and see where it takes you, you might just find that magic!