throw the spaghetti

Good morning you!

Already, today looks very different than yesterday and I suppose that alone is beautiful. Even though my feet hit the floor a bit later than intended I did enjoy a few quiet moments for meditation before doing the morning tango in an effort to have Seven to school, fully ready (mask, hat, gloves, scarf, water bottle, folder, teeth brushed, and vitamins), and in good spirits.

I am eager to see the day unfold. On the agenda is client work that will take me on a quest to find an appropriate potted tree for a sunroom as well as a site visit to work through a kitchen and basement wet bar. On these days that I have to be thinking creatively I try my best to make way for inspiration to come from any and everywhere. On most every project I have the “ah hah” moment in which everything clicks! The only, I suppose authentically “creative” aspect is that while I am always confident it will come, it almost never is when I am sitting still and “intending” to do so.

It happens most often while driving. I’ve always enjoyed driving since I was given the coveted license as a sixteen year old. I think almost from that day I became the family chauffeur and eagerly jumped in the driver seat for every family outing and road trip. I call it “active meditation”. Give me a cup of joe, open road (heated seat if you wanna be fancy) and I can almost solve world hunger.

I say all this because I encourage anyone working through a conception portion of their project that even those that work in this industry, especially those that do this work professionally, we too have a chaotic, messy, creation process. For some it may be a bit more organized or processed, but no matter who you are, you are an artist, and at the core need the freedom to play. The freedom to try something new that maybe you can only see in your head. The freedom to dream “what if”. Embracing the beauty of this process is what gives way to a harvest of artistic contribution to the world. When all the spaghetti is getting thrown on the wall and ideas are combining with others in pursuit of your masterpiece, don’t shy away from getting outside of your head and exploring everything else around you. The best designs are a reflection, and interpretation of ourselves in our spaces. The textures, patterns, the colors that do something to a part of us that we can’t quite put our finger on. That part that we can only feel. And we can only feel them through experiencing. That is what I want for today, to experience.

Explore, play, and try something that makes you uncomfortable.

Today, I want to take what comes at me like Seven would. Seven would ask why, she would enjoy the smallest parts and find their role just as important as the grandeur. Seven wouldn’t be scared to be bold, and loud, and laugh at herself.