Winging It

And here we are again.

I’m not sure why I’ve always had a fondness for Mondays. Perhaps it is the feeling of newness, I feeling that I get another opportunity to do “the thing”, another chance of finding myself in the virgin moments of something unwritten.

You can blame the Millennial in me, or the familiarity I was provided when I didn’t have the luxury of an office of my own. When I need to be really productive, I head to the “coffee shop”. The energy that dances amongst the seemingly independent articulating limbs, is downright contagious. While I adore my office, and even my home for that matter, I have discovered that they both contain a fair amount of distractions, and it has been proven I do not possess the mental fortitude to deny them. They both are perfect settings for some scenes of my work but in a way serendipitous, when I need to be “alone in my work” I go sit right in the middle of a very bustling public place. I go off on the “field trip” and take what I need. The result is usually a few hours of focused energy without any desire to throw in a load of laundry, work on tiling for a bit, or reorganize ARt Box inventory.

This past weekend felt short, but I am pleased that I got a little bit done in all the areas that need “doing”. I spent some good old fashioned quality time with my little, and that is always the most important for me. Weekends seem to always be a toss up. It usually is my goal to “catch up” with everything I put off during the week, prep so that I can have a productive next week, and simple rest cause if my cup is empty, we’re all empty. I laugh whenever I hear someone mention “balance” but I would go out on a limb and say that this weekend I got darn close. I didn’t excel at a one of the task of the previously mentioned “to do” but I touched on each on a bit, and therefore each and every one of them got moved a bit further, which I will take as success any day.

The tiling in our mudroom is coming along. I’ll be honest, I fell in love with the tile and didn’t do too much planning. The most gorgeous green with blue undertones, an unglazed clay hex with a straight edge, no bevel which I think screams “I’m made to look old but not” it had to work! I needed 30 square feet, the vendor only had 20, so I took all he had and 10 of the only other color and said “I’ll make it work”. I was committed and come hell or high water this would be great.

Fast forward through a month of reworking a pattern a zillion times to make sure that it was mostly green, looked aligned from all ok most angles (if you own a old house you know this can be tricky) and something I could live with for a millennia… and ladies and gentleman we have her.

This is the slow design I don’t always get the freedom to do, Most client don’t necessarily want me buying tile and “winging it” so I am soaking up every moment. The floor is the first part of the new kitchen that has been “done” and with the pattern being so dynamic I am even more curious about exploring a color palette that is equally attention grabbing. This kitchen is quirky and the last thing I want is something you find a million iterations of on Pinterest….

For now, I’m pondering….

But I know, without a doubt, I’ll definitely give them something to talk about.


Today started off like a rocket and made it known that this week is not to be messed with. I hit the ground running at 7:30 might I add with a site visit in Galesburg. Although straightforward (the house was built in the 70s with a remodel in the 90s - this is about as “straightforward” as I tend to get) I always make sure I am present at every contractor visit. Communication seems to work better that way, and I can immediately begin trouble shooting solutions if construction serves up any.

Making in back to Peoria still relatively early in the day, I am looking forward to a day spent diving deep into some presentations that are getting closer and closer by the minute.

Can’t wait to share more!

Has your Monday been a good start to the week ahead?