Rearrange and Change
This living room from Pufikhomes shows the modern interpretation of furniture that is intended to move about the space as needed. Before electricity chairs were often shifted from one spot as the occupant chased the natural sunlight throughout the day.
We have been busy worker bees over here at Leslie Tyler Design HQ aka our home preparing for a launch celebration of Leslie Tyler Home Store that conveniently comes just a day after hosting family for Thanksgiving and our wedding I must have been out of my mind thinking that one big ball of craziness is somehow better than a lot of different crazy balls. We have spent the last few months putting the finishing touches on a few of our spaces in an attempt to make them look their best. I am a believer that my home and the design is never ‘complete’ so I have been struggling to find the happy resting place before my next new idea kicks off. One of the most surprising parts of this process is a massive rearrange of some of our existing furniture.
A term I didn’t know was widely used was brought to my attention by a ‘Manifesto Monday’ from @farmhousevernacular called ‘floating furniture’. Although this concept is fairly modern. It became the norm for furniture to not be positioned anchored to the wall as the size of our homes increased and open concept began limiting the walls that an average home even had. Paige’s discussion branched off to her ask of her viewers to consider the multifunctionality of what a room could provide. Use each square foot to its optimal ability by allowing for furniture to be shifted accordingly.
We repositioned major furniture pieces in six of the rooms in our home! Basically every room we use most often got a major face lift by simply rethinking arrangements. A rug was moved, a couch went downstairs, a sectional went up, two chairs switched spots, and four chairs are celebrated in the new cozier home.. Not to mention this being extremely budget friendly, I have been able to utilize spaces that previously were ‘dumping grounds’ for laundry and better use the spaces that we spent the majority of time in.
By rethinking what we had and truly considering what we needed I was able to create the most amazing office one that is much bigger than the space I originally thought for it and it has become a space that allows for much more productive work to occur and room for my little intern to join me. When you lend yourself to the flexibility of your home you are rewarded with gaining even more space than is reflected by a measuring tape. My office serves three major uses, sometimes at separate times, sometimes altogether, but by finding creative ways to include each needed use I’ve essentially tripled the usable space of the room. Check back in as finishing off the pretty is first on the list for 2020!!
As much as I enjoy buying something new I mean I am opening a store to justify my addiction for home goods I also enjoy rethinking what we already have. I enjoy the surprises our homes offer us. They are usually full of ways in which we can use them, and most of them don’t include taking down a wall. Sometimes a little imagination, some elbow grease and a couple thoughtfully considered pieces can bring a whole new life to a space you may have grown tired of.
What mini refreshing do you have planned for your home?