Design identity with holiday decor
The textures in your home, if done correctly, are layered. Take one or two of the textures you primarily use and run wild. Sometimes I even take my highlight texture the texture I use for accent purposes an emphasis that. Adding to the whimsical mood I am trying to evoke.
Think tone not so much as the color pallet but the mood that hope the space evokes.. Aim to emphasis but not to shift direction. Although beautiful, a house full of pastel Christmas decor wouldn’t make sense in our home. Just because your decor matches amongst itself doesn’t mean that it automatically will compliment your home. Please don’t just decide that turquoise is your ‘color’ this year and you don’t have a lick of turquoise anywhere else.
As I said before, our home’s lines tend to be more classic. When looking for Autumn pumpkins to Christmas trees I start with a classic or vintage shapes something that could have been plucked right out of the early 1900’s and add the daring punches as I would in any other part of my home.