interior design, a architectonic art


Design is intelligence made visible

Hi. After spending countless hours searching for the most eloquent greeting I settled on hi. It was straightforward and casual. Although not always straightforward (I am always striving for that) I am certainly casual. As the Creative Director at Leslie Tyler Design I am the visionary behind our aesthetic. A self proclaimed traditionalist I value the timelessness that is found in architecture and home furnishings of the past. But as my mother can attest, I am also an extremely casual human by nature. I am absolutely obsessed with my free form locs and if you knock on my door unexpectedly you’ll probably find me not wearing any pants (overshare?....maybe). 

The fact is, I live in the twenty first century and am a millennial. I live in a time when “open concept” is viewed as mandatory and butler pantries have become synonymous with mudroom. While these modern trends have their perks I believe that if we do not honor the formality of the past we will lose it forever. It is my goal through the design work at Leslie Tyler and the content provided here on Black House Seven we can give home dwellers an alternative. An alternative to what has flooded the shelves of your local home store, an alternative that is rich in history, character, and most importantly a reflection of YOU. Art is by definition “the expression of application of human creative skill and imagination”. Our mission is to create spaces that are timeless but expressed as never before.

I wanted to dive into the age old question “What is design”. I was approached recently to do a bit of press (Yay!) and the debate was asked of me. What is “design”? And how is it different than “creativeness”. While I will argue that our world needs both and I would welcome them both into my home with open arms, it did strike me that the majority of consumers view them as one in the same. I thought it fitting to clarify what design means in the context of our homes and also, what our own design philosophy is.

If you think of something as creative I believe that what we are truly saying is, “I’ve never seen that before”. Whether a haircut, a shirt, a painting. When we use our imagination in it most authentic form we are using our creativeness. This is vital when designing someone’s home. Firstly, there is always a desire to be unique but also as we are each unique there is no practical way to meet the needs of individual clients without being creative.

Well then, what is design? Design my friends is a symphony. Each piece in delicate harmony with the other. Design is when you take your creative desires and create something in a complete way. Paint the big picture. True designing for a space requires acknowledgment of each piece of a room both as an individual entity but also in the broader context of the space.

We are often asked what our belief is when it comes to designing and living a modern lifestyle in a historical home. We believe that, above all, artistry should be valued. Our homes are not only the shells that we reside within but they are the spaces that should be our refuge and energize us. The answer is different for everyone. What calms one person may make another complacent. We work with our clients to push the boundaries of design, of course. But when we start from a place of appreciation of each and every part of what was so carefully (ok, I realize there are exceptions) crafted we find that our clients find value in even the mundane. The creaky floors are no longer annoying, but a little reminder of all the steps taken over the years. There are no rules when it comes to what we will do with a space, but destroying what someone may have taken years to do seems a bit sacreligious. We look for creative ways to work with what is there, adding to the painting in hopes that one day one may add to ours!